Legal notice


Who is responsible

In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the owner of the website is:

Ideas 3493 sl (hereinafter, IFC)
C.I.F. B62051743
Registered office: C /Ronda de la Universitat 33, 1 1 B -08007


The navigation through this website is completely voluntary, that is why we understand that if you visit our website you accept the conditions of the same. IFC reserves the right to make changes to the website, both in its presentation and configuration and in its contents, at any time and without prior notice. If we make changes, we will inform you by modifying this legal notice. IFC reserves the right to withdraw access to the website, without prior notice, to any user that contravenes these terms of use.

Use and content of the web page

The website gives you access to a questionnaire about your preferences regarding the use of your medical and health information for which it is not necessary to have a username and password. Filling out the questionnaire and following the steps indicated by the questionnaire itself is enough.


The contents that we provide through this website are informative and are not providing any service. We cannot guarantee the absence of errors or omissions or that the content of the website is permanently updated and we cannot be held responsible for any inappropriate use that third parties may make of this website or its contents, so we reserve the right to exercise legal actions if necessary. As a user, you agree to make appropriate and diligent use of the contents.

Privacy policy

You can consult our privacy policy here (

Intellectual and industrial property

The contents of this website, including, among others, the images, logos, designs, badges and texts, whatever their format may be, are property of IFC or a third party that has allowed us to use them, and are protected by the international laws and treaties on intellectual property. For this reason, you should know that reproduction, distribution, commercialization, public communication, making available, extraction, reuse or transformation, total or partial, and any other type of unauthorized exploitation of the content of this page cannot be carried out since it is an infringement of intellectual property rights, except in legally permitted cases or with the express authorization of the owner. What is allowed is visualizing the elements of the portal and printing them, copying them and storing them on the hard drive of your computer or any other hardware provided that it is, solely and exclusively, for your personal and private use.